Thursday, December 18, 2014

Door Decorations!

Hello everyone!

We have had some wonderful winter spirit around Grant School. So many of the faculty and staff have been getting their doors decorated in honor of our 2nd Annual Door Decorating Contest! I am so impressed by the decorations that I've seen. Click the link below to check them out!

Door Decorations

Our door's theme went along with our curriculum on diseases! Students researched different ways to stay safe and healthy during the cold winter months. After gathering their information, they then wrote and typed an informative paragraph. We used Google Drive to publish our work, and students had the opportunity to make the piece unique by adding pictures and changing the text attributes. They each decorated a germ that displays their QR code for others to scan. Each code is special to the individual student, and when scanned it will bring up their specific document!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pic Collage!

This afternoon we learned about a new app called Pic Collage. The students enjoyed using this app to make fun collages. Now that they know how to use it, we will be able to create collages of pictures for future projects and assignments. We had a ton of fun taking pictures and adding other special effects to our work. Some of us had some pretty great photobombs, too!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dance to the Mix!

Our class has been shakin' and groovin' to our skip counting songs! My favorite so far is the 6's song! These tunes are very catchy and really help the students with their skip counting and multiplying. If you are wanting to learn these songs or have your student practice at home, there are links under the kid resources tab.

Click the link below for a little peek into our sick dance moves!

Counting by 6

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving Break!!

This week students learned a lot about the first Thanksgiving and how this holiday was started! We watched some videos, read articles, and talked about what we already knew. After doing all of this, students then wrote an informative piece about Thanksgiving. I was so impressed by how great of a job the kids did with organizing their information and writing a lot of details! They were then able to decorate a turkey to look over their writing! Their work is now displayed outside of our classroom.

We also talked about the many things that we are thankful for. Students brainstormed together and then chose 5 things that they were most thankful for. Students has some interesting ways of decorating their thankful turkeys, but they all turned out super cute!

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday! 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Better Late Than Never!

Happy Friday!

Sorry about the wait on the these pictures, but they're finally up! Check out our Halloween photo album to see some of the pictures from last Friday's parade and party! We had a ton of fun making the masks and watching magic tricks at our classroom party. Thank you again to all of the parents and family members who came to help and visit our room!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Grandparent's Day!

Happy Friday everyone!

What a great afternoon we have had! There were so many grandparents and family members that came in to visit our classroom. Thank you to everyone who attended today! I also want to thank you all for being so helpful! It was awesome to see visitors helping any student who needed it. That's what Grant is all about! :)

Check out our newest photo album with pictures from our afternoon. I tried to get a picture of each student with their family that was here. If I did not get your picture, I truly apologize! Visit the "Classroom Photos" tab at the top of our blog to see the pictures!

Have a happy homecoming weekend!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Guess Who's Back, Back Again...

Hello friends!!

I'm so sorry for the lack of blog posts lately! Things have been hectic and crazy this month. I want to thank everyone who welcomed me back to school yesterday. I received so many hugs from my kiddos. It was awesome!! I had a wonderful trip, but I miss the class a whole lot!

Overall, our class got a great report from the substitute teacher while I was gone. It was so nice coming back and seeing that! I am so happy that I have such hard working students. I know that they have some excellent character because they were able to get their jobs done even when I wasn't here. The students also told me about how much they like the substitute, Mrs. Dodson, and how they did a ton of fun activities with her! Woo-hoo!

Don't forget that parent-teacher conferences are coming up. Please remember to return your slip that shows which day you would prefer to meet with me!

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Great Week at Grant!

Phew, what a crazy and exciting week we've had! Special guest T.J. Wheeler arrived at the beginning of the week and students have gotten to visit and sing with him in music class. On Thursday evening we had our annual Arts and Blues Night at Grant. There were so many raffle and auction items donated! We had an amazing turn-out for the event and everyone had a lot of fun! Thanks to all who helped make the night possible.

On Friday, we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday! We read a book about his life and wrote a summary on an apple, watched a video, and enjoyed some homemade apple pie and applesauce! Students had a great time enjoying the treats and creating their apple writings.

For peek into both events, check out the photo albums below! Have a great weekend, All-Stars! :)

Arts and Blues 2014

Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Show, Don't Tell!

This week's writing focus has been all about different strategies to use when writing leads. One strategy that we practiced using was making sure that we are showing, not telling, our emotions or feelings at the start of our personal narratives. We discussed that if we just come right out and say how we feel, then we are cheating our reader out of using their brain!
To practice this skill, we played the game "Guess My Emotion." Students picked an emotion card out of a bucket and had to use descriptive words and phrases to show what emotion they drew. The kids did a wonderful job and our work is hanging in the hall so that others are able to join in on the game!
Can you guess that emotion?? Try your luck below.



Thursday, September 18, 2014

Calling All Apples!!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Next week we will be learning about Johnny Appleseed and celebrating his birthday! Students will do some reading and writing activities to go along with what we have learned. Along with this, I am planning to make a homemade applesauce snack for the kiddos to enjoy during our lessons. With that being said, if you would be willing to donate at least one (or more) red apple(s) to our classroom it would help so much! No problem if you are unable to send one in. I will purchase the remaining apples needed in order to have enough applesauce for all of the students. I would like to get all of the apples by Wednesday, September 24th so that I have enough time to prepare and chill the snack. Thank you so much for your constant support!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Back to School Night

What a great turn out we had this year for our annual potluck and Back to School Night! Thank you to everyone who came out. It was a lot of fun, and we are already looking forward to next year. Please check out our first classroom photo album with pictures from the event. Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!

Back to School Night 2014

Never Forget.

Yesterday, students learned about and discussed the events that happened in our country on September 11th, 2011. All of the students were very mature about the topic and were saddened that something like this could happen to our country. We spent part of our day doing things to honor those people who have kept our country safe and have risked their lives for our freedom. Students practiced their letter writing skills by writing a letter to a police officer, firefighter, or soldier. We also made remembrance ribbons for those who have helped our country. Thank you to all of the heroes out there!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Parent Information!

Hey all you parents and guardians! On Thursday of this week our class will be learning about the history of September 11th. There will be a note going home tomorrow, but if your student forgets to give it to you, click the link below! We are excited to teach our students about what it means to be a proud American, and we hope that everyone will be able to participate!

Parent Note

Friday, August 22, 2014

The End of our First Week

It has been a wonderful first week in third grade! We got to do so many activities and have a lot of fun. Our class is excellent and I know that everyone is able to be the best Grant All-Star that they can be! Have an awesome weekend!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge!

Our very own principal, Dr. Wingert, was nominated to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Lucky for us, we all got to see the show! If you're interested in participating in the challenge or donating to a good cause, click the link below for more information! Also, be sure to watch the video on our YouTube Channel!! :)

ALS Information

Dr. Wingert Video

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome Back!

A new year means a new classroom, a new blog, and of course new adventures with some awesome kiddos!

I am so very excited to be starting the new school year! I look forward to meeting my students and their families tonight at Meet the Teacher Night. Our school is bustling with enthusiasm and energy as all of the teachers prepare their rooms. Our event tonight starts at 4:30 and ends at 6:00. I hope to see you there!